The Formula for Growth
One major benefit of The Scaleup Formula© is that it helps you develop your management team. Your key employees may have had limited management training so they are coming from a long way back in terms of becoming capable and accountable managers.
The effort is worthwhile. Not only are the people concerned loyal and passionate about the product but it avoids the huge risk of hiring senior people from outside the company. Managers from larger businesses in particular can be fish out of water when they move to a more senior position in a smaller business, with disappointment on both sides the result.
The Scaleup Formula© provides a simple and repeatable method to develop management skills that can be applied quickly to free up your time (usually, the biggest constraint on growth). The Scaleup Formula© uses business processes as “units of delegation”.
The point is, every process in every business can be described (and so managed) in exactly these terms. Using this approach doesn’t teach a manager how to manage one process – it teaches them how to manage any process.
In this way you give them a formula for business.
Of course, the full set of management skills are far wider and deeper than this – but any useful concept, from motivation to return on investment, utilisation to margin, can be related to this simple model as and when required.
If you’d like to know more about applying The Scaleup Formula© to your business then schedule an exploratory session.
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